

Nurgalieva Gaziza Kudaibergenovna
Head of NAC RK
tel.: +7(7172) 47 25 45, +7(7172) 47 26 59 ( reception)
fax: +7(7172) 47 26 69

Deputy for User Service and Ideology
Aliya Kozhabekova
phone: +7(7172) 47 27 12

Deputy for Information Resources
Zholdybalinov Nurzhan Nurlanovich
Phone: +7 (7172) 47 27 15

Deputy for Administrative and Economic Development 
Nurzhan Zhumagaliyev
Phone: +7 (7172) 47 27 15

Press Secretary
Aliya Inkarbek
Phone: +7(7172) 47 26 75


Office Management and Document Management Department
The Office Management and Document Management Group performs management activities of the library and document management, works with documents in the library, forms personnel and legal support for its activities. It also creates a departmental archive.
 Director: Zhanara Aitkhozhina 
Phone: +7 (7172) 47 26 69

Fund Creation Service (AFK)
Fund creation activities are engaged in the systematic creation of the Fund of the National Academic Library of the Republic of Kazakhstan in accordance with the thematic and structural model. Main directions: complements domestic printed publications, documents about Kazakhstan published in the languages of the peoples of the world, with collections of all types of printed publications from near and far abroad and provides an improvement in the quality of the fund due to information demand and user needs in replenishing the library fund. Conducts work with the main sources of replenishment of the fund, such as" Madeni Mura", produced under the state program" publication of socially significant types of literature " and under the state program for the development and functioning of languages in the Republic of Kazakhstan for 2011-2020, supervises the receipt of mandatory free copies of Kazakh printed publications to the fund, international book exchange. Kazakhstan National Electronic Library participates in the replenishment of the fund.
Director-Zhanna Serikovna Taukelova
Phone: +7(7172) 47 26 88

Document Processing Service (FIU)
The document processing service provides a more complete disclosure of the book collection by systematizing the electronic catalog in order to quickly and fully satisfy readers ' requests. Main goals and objectives of the activity: scientific processing of documents received by the library; technical processing of documents; creation and indexing of bibliographic records for documents in accordance with current international standards and rules in the field of cataloging; participation in the practical operation of the National Academic Library of the Republic of Kazakhstan; Development of the Kaznek Cataloger module; replenishment of Kaznek; development of an electronic catalog editing; managing filling out Kaznec; editing the electronic catalog. Implementation of work on the organization and formation of a national database of authoritative records of geographical names.
Head-Zagrudneva Elena Mikhailovna
Phone: +7(7172) 47 26 87

Book and Document Storage Service (gas station)
The Service ensures the preservation and use of the main funds of the National Academic Library of the Republic of Kazakhstan in library and information services for readers, in particular domestic and foreign books, newspapers and magazines, audio-video publications, CDs, DVDs, leaflets, postcards, etc. The main tasks of document storage activities include: organization of work on placement and storage of the main fund of the National Library of the Republic of Kazakhstan in the scientific system, ensuring the safety and security of the library fund by maintaining a physico-chemical, biological and sanitary-hygienic regime favorable for the preservation of the fundExecutes a request from readers for books stored in the document storage service's own collection (order completion time is up to 20 minutes). Access of books to the service rooms of readers is carried out through the Telelift system.
Supervisor: Gulaim Toktarovna Taukova
Phone: +7(7172) 47 26 70

User Support Help
User Support is one of the main sections of the library. The structure of this department includes: general reading room, hall of periodicals, Academic Hall "Abay", hall" Galym "by Tursynbek Kakishev, reading room named after Abdijamil Nurpeisov, hall of creativity named after Shomishbay Sariev, scientific and technical reading room, Dukenbay Doszhan hall "Zhazushy", hall "Rukhani Zhangyru", hall named after Kazhigali Mukhanbetkaliyevich's reading rooms are open for the writer Akim Tarazi.The main task of reading rooms is to provide the same quality of service and complete satisfaction of all readers ' requests. In each reading room, you can use documents from the library's main and auxiliary collections, access remote databases, and get professional advice on the electronic catalog. In addition, the reader is provided with bibliographic references and consulting services, depending on the thematic, clarifying, and factual types.
Supervisor: Gulnar Kakenovna Abisheva
Phone: +7 (7172) 47 26 62

Information and Bibliographic Service (ABPS)
The main activity of the department is the formation and maintenance of an information-bibliographic and reference-search apparatus for all categories of readers. ABPS employees carry out reference, library and information activities using the latest information technologies. Bibliographers are located in a remote system for the benefit of wwwnabrk performs bibliographic references of readers who have entered the library and "questions and answers". Ensures high quality and timely execution of daily incoming requests. Organizes full-text and bibliographic activities for access to global databases in accordance with the legislation of the Republic of Kazakhstan. One of the traditional areas of work of bibliographers is the printing of bibliographic indexes.
E-mail: Virtual help desk section "Question to the librarian" on the website
Supervisor: Tashimova Botagoz Samarkanovna
Phone: +7(7172) 47 26 57

Electronic Resource Management Service (ERBU)
The activity was created with the aim of introducing information and communication technologies into the processes of the NAC of the Republic of Kazakhstan. The Erbo consists of an electronic resource hall, an electronic document delivery sector, and a digital document translation sector. The main areas of activity are the implementation of the project of the Kazakhstan National Electronic Library-the Electronic State Library Fund( IECF-REC), ensuring the use of the Internet, remote databases and multimedia tapes by users, developing computer literacy of users, creating and managing their own Web resources.
Director: Ratova Gulshat Ikhlasovna
Phone: +7(7172) 47 27 15

Foreign Literature Service (UPC)
The service is aimed at providing high-quality information and library services to readers. The main goal is to develop and support cultural and humanitarian affairs with representatives of the near and far abroad, partners. The MCC includes the World Literature Hall, the Information Development Center (partners - the Asian Development Bank, the World Bank in Kazakhstan), the Window to Korea corner (Embassy of Korea in Kazakhstan), the book corner of Pakistan, the Goethe Institute reading corner (Goethe Institute in Almaty). The MCC is a great place for conducting informational, cultural and educational programs and studying the culture, traditions, and history of foreign countries. All favorable conditions have been created for learning foreign languages and developing an intermediate cultural dialogue.
Director: Salykova Elmira Rakhimzhanovna
Phone: +7(7172) 47 26 99


Science, Management and Marketing
The activity is aimed at promoting the introduction of management and marketing technologies in library activities, successful application of science in library work; adaptation of the theory and methodology of classical marketing and management to the communication policy and planning of the library, as well as providing analysis of the market of library and information products and services among library users and readers. The structure of the Science, Management and Marketing Service consists of the Library Marketing sector and the Science and Management Department.
Supervisor: Zhansulu Mukatayeva
Phone: +7(7172) 47 26 75

          Information and Cultural Programs Service (ILA)
The work of the service is aimed at making the NAC of the Republic of Kazakhstan a modern, open and dynamically developing information, educational and cultural center in the formation of a positive image of the Republic of Kazakhstan. The main objectives of the company are to conduct informational, educational and cultural events (promotions, book presentations, round tables, exhibitions dedicated to significant and significant dates, lectures, public events, etc.). organization and conduct of events; coordination of events with state bodies, educational and cultural institutions, public organizations, creative associations, national cultural centers, as well as international organizations of culture and information content management and maintenance of a web site for content; conducting organized guided tours of the library, etc.
Director: Isak Alua Tugelbaevna
Phone: +7 (7172) 47 26 79


          Restoration, Publishing and Analytical Service (RBTS)
The main task of restoration, publishing and analytical activities is the implementation of the library's publishing business. The result of this is printed products of various contents with the NAC RK record (methodological and library materials for various purposes), image products (booklets, special signs, business cards, banners, invitation cards, advertising), etc.
Supervisor: Aynash Kanyevna Urdabayeva
Phone: +7(7172) 472708


          Reader Support and Registration Service (CPC)
The main goal of the reader service and registration service is to provide information to users of all levels, and to meet requirements quickly and efficiently. Formation of readers ' sustained interest in reading and reading a book. The reader registration service includes: the reader registration section, the scientific reading room, the virtual reading room of the Russian State Library, the Zabota Hall for people with disabilities, the fiction hall, and the children's library. All citizens registered in the city of Nur-Sultan can use the services of the hall of fiction free of charge by presenting an identity document and a home book or a certificate of residence.
Director: Tekesbaeva Nurbala Nurtayevna
Phone: +7(7172) 472719