Primadiana Yunita, Pemilihan Kazakhstan Sebagai Mitra Kerjasama China Dalam Sektor Energi Minyak Tahun 2003-2010 [Text] / Primadiana Yunita // JURNAL ILMIAH TRANSFORMASI GLOBAL. - 2015. - VOL 2 NO 2. - p. 101-124. ISSN
This research shows that the political economy cooperation between China Kazakhstan represents an effort for China to preserve the supply of domestic energy in order to facilitate economic growth
Ayu Suhartini, Eksistensi Jepang dan Tiongkok dalam geopolitik energi di Asia tengan [Text] / Ayu Suhartini Dian Permata Pratiwi Jorshy Amanda Sudarno Shybill Natalia de Queljoe // Jurnal Asia Pacific Studies. - 2018. - Volume 2. Number 1. January – June.- p.116-125. - Bibliogr.: p. 125 ISSN
In addition to its existence stretching along Silk Road between Europe and East Asia which later made it the heart of Euroasia, the Central Asia region is also a region rich in energy resources, specifically oil and natural gas
Ni Wy Pt Eka Desmiari, Analisis kepentingan Tiongkok Terhadar Asia Tengan Melalui Jalur sutra baru rute darat [Text] / Ni Wy Pt Eka Desmiari Sukma Sushant Putu Titah Kawitri Resen // JURNAL HUBUNGAN INTERNASIONAL. - 2018. - Vol 1, No 2. - p. 1-15. - Bibliogr.: p. 13-15 ISSN
The emergence of new silk road economic belt can be analyzed by international
relations study. This study attempted to analyze China’s interests towards Central Asia in the path of the new silk road economic belt