Problems of the prevention of erime of juveniles in the conditions of the large megapolis (at the materials of the city Almaty) [[Electronic resource]] : dis. ... doctor of Philosophy (PhD) : 6D030100 -Jurisprudence / S. B. Duzbayeva ; Local scientific supervisor: R. Y. Dzhansarayeva, S.I. Cheluokhin ; Al-Farabi Kazakh National University. – Almaty : [S. n.], 2019. – Электрон. текстовые дан., 1 электрон. опт. диск (CD-ROM). ).
The purpose of the dissertation research is to identify the features of the criminological characteristics of juvenile delinquency in Almaty and develop theoretical and practical recommendations aimed at improving the effectiveness of measures to prevent this type of crime within the designated territorial boundaries and proposals for improving legislation in the field of juvenile crime prevention