Свобода самовыражения свободный поток информации, свобода средств массовой информации = Freedom of expression. free flow of information. freedom of media [Текст] : основные положения СБСЕ/ОБСЕ, 1975-2007 гг. / ; Организация по безопасности и сотрудничеству в Европе... – Вена : [б. и.], 2007. - 47 с. - Книга-перевертыш . . – [б. т.] – 3-9501955-5-6 : 20 тг.
The OSCE has come a long way in the last 25 years. The list of its achievements is impressive. It has become a respected and necessary player on the European political and security scene proving that it can react quickly to fast-moving events in Europe and furthermore that it can respond to the needs of its members