President of Kazakhstan Nursultan Nazarbayev. A Strategy for Eternal Friendship. Kazakhstan - Russia = Қазақстан Президенті Нұрсұлтан Назарбаев. Мәңгілік достық стратегиясы. Қазақстан - Ресей [Text] / ; [editorial board: T. A. Mansurow; photogr. Y. Kovalyov [et. al.]]... – Moscow : Russian raritet, 2010. - 539 p. - Құнды тарту 2015. - Book in the box . . – 2000 сopies – 978-5-7034-0254-2 (hardcover) : 50 tg.
The present publication contains extremely diverse information about the role of the head of our state in the development of Kazakh-Russia cooperation, including certain fundamental documents signed by the Presidents of Kazakhstan and Russia