Erasmus+ CBHE projects in Kazakhstan 2015-2018 [Text] / ; Erasmus+ Programme of the European Union... – Almaty : Fortress, [2020?]. - 44 p., ill.; - Мырзатай Жолдасбеков қоры. - Funded by the Erasmus+ Programme of the European Union . . – 200 pcs. : 0 tg.
This publication provides information on Erasmus+ CBHE projects in Kazakhstan based on the results of four calls for proposals (2015-2018). In 4 years, a total of 40 Erasmus+ CBHE projects have been funded, including 31 joint projects and 9 structural projects. The total amount of the grant for these projects amounts to more than 35.5 million euros. 47
Ensuring accessibility and non-discrimination of people with disabilities [Text] : toolkit for using EU Structural and Cohesion / ; European Commission, Directorate-General for Employment, Social Affaires and Equal Opportunities... – Belgium : European Commission, 2009. - 47 p. - Мырзатай Жолдасбеков қоры . . – [n. c.] – ISBN 978-92-79-11741-1 : 0 tg.
This toolkit provides information on how to understand the non-discrimination and accessibility requirements of EU Structural and Cohesion funds. It is designed for managing authorities and project promoters to help them fully ensure the equal treatment of people with disabilities