Khojaly - Genocide of the 20th Century = Ходжалы - геноцид XX века = Khojaly - le génocide du XXe siècle [Text] / ... – Baku : [s. n.], 2016. - 120 p., ill., photo;+ 1 el. opt. disk (CD-ROM) . - Text in English, Russian and French . . – [n. c.] : 0 tg.
The book, with texts in English, Russian, and French, contains a list of victims of the Khojaly tragedy and contains numerous photographs reflecting the bloody massacre. The purpose of publishing this book is to promote propaganda work aimed at recognizing the Khojaly genocide in a wider geographical area, to eliminate errors in facts and figures regarding the tragedy made in the press and other publications, and to prevent falsification of photographs
about the Genocide Azerbaijan, Nagorno-Karabakh Conflict, Khojaly massacre, Ходжалинская резня, Нагорно-Карабахский конфликт, Genocide , геноцид, sur le génocide en Azerbaïdjan, Conflit du Haut-Karabagh, Massacre de Khodjaly, Azerbaijani-Armenian conflict, азербайджано-армянский конфликт, Conflit azerbaïdjanais-arménien