O басталады
Basylymdy shyǵarǵan memleket:Ózbekstan
Janr:Өнер. Сәндік-қолданбалы өнер. Фотография. Музыка. Ойын. Спорт (art_sport)
1-6 ız 6
Oriental Miniatures : The Collection of the Beruni Institute of Oriental studies of the Academy of Sciences of the Republic of Uzbekistan ; The National Commission of the Republic of Uzbekistan for UNESCO ; The Academy of Sciences of the Republic of Uzbekistan ; The Beruni Institute of Oriental Studies ; The Academy of Arts of Uzbekistan ; The Scientific Research Institute of Fine Arts ; Center "Musavvir" : Association "Khunarmand" ; [Editorial Board : M. Khairullaev [and the others] ; Compilers: A. Madraimov, E. Ismailova, Sh. Musaev]- Tashkent : MEDIA LAND : The Beruni Institute of Oriental Studies , 2004.– 500 copies . – не указан (в пер.) V.3 . The 19th - 20th centuries– 165, [2] c., il. . : 70 tg.
Sórmelіk múqam:
У 2013/7476
Taqyrypty aıdarlar
- Oriental Miniatures
Volume III includes descriptions of a number of illuminated manuscripts of the late 19th c. from the Alisher Navoi Museum of Literature of the Academy of Sciences of Uzbekistan and the State Museum of Arts of the Ministry for Cultural Affairs of Uzbekistan, as well as the works of modern miniaturists from the collection of "Musavvir" Centre and some other collections. In this catalogue, it was logic to retrace development of the miniature painting in the 20th century since its revival and active role in modern art process presents a significant fact of the national culture
Kіlt sózder
oriental miniatures, cultural heritage of the Republic of Uzbekistan, catalogues of manuscripts
Oriental Miniatures : The Collection of the Beruni Institute of Oriental studies of the Academy of Sciences of the Republic of Uzbekistan ; The National Commission of the Republic of Uzbekistan for UNESCO ; The Academy of Sciences of the Republic of Uzbekistan ; The Beruni Institute of Oriental Studies ; The Academy of Arts of Uzbekistan ; The Scientific Research Institute of Fine Arts ; [Editorial Board : M. Khairullaev [and the others] ; Compilers: A. Madraimov, Sh. Musaev, E. Ismailova]- Tashkent : MEDIA LAND : The Beruni Institute of Oriental Studies , 2001.– 1000 copies . – не указан (в пер.) Bibiliogr.: 260-269 p. V. 1 . The 14th - 17th centures– 269, [2] p., il. . : 70 tg
Sórmelіk múqam:
У 2013/7474
Taqyrypty aıdarlar
- Oriental Miniatures
This catalogue is the first detailed and systematic description of the oriental miniatures of the 14th - 17th centuries, masterpieces of decorative art contained in the manuscripts within the Institute collection. The catalogue includes descriptions of forty-five manuscripts of the 14th - 17th centuries, mainly in the field of history literature and natural sciences. The catalogue covers about 1300 miniatures contained in these manuscripts
Kіlt sózder
oriental miniatures, cultural heritage of the Republic of Uzbekistan, catalogues of manuscripts
Oriental Miniatures : The Collection of the Beruni Institute of Oriental studies of the Academy of Sciences of the Republic of Uzbekistan ; The National Commission of the Republic of Uzbekistan for UNESCO ; The Academy of Sciences of the Republic of Uzbekistan ; The Beruni Institute of Oriental Studies ; The Academy of Arts of Uzbekistan ; The Scientific Research Institute of Fine Arts ; [Editorial Board : M. Khairullaev [and the others] ; Compilers: A. Madraimov, Sh. Musaev, E. Ismailova ; English text editors: Q. Djuraev, E. Soldatova]- Tashkent : MEDIA LAND : The Beruni Institute of Oriental Studies , 2003.– 500 copies . – не указан (в пер.) Bibliogr.: 227-237 p. V. 2 . The 18th - 19th centuries– 239 p., il. . : 70 tg.
Sórmelіk múqam:
У 2013/7475
Taqyrypty aıdarlar
- Oriental Miniatures
Second volume contains miniatures from the selected manuscripts from the collection of the Beruni Institute and Museum of Literature of the Academy of Sciences of Uzbekistan. The second volume has become a result of cooperation between Beruni Institute of Oriental Studies of the Academy of Science of Uzbekistan and the Institute of Fine Arts of the Academy of Arts of Uzbekistan
Kіlt sózder
oriental miniatures, cultural heritage of the Republic of Uzbekistan, catalogues of manuscripts
Шарқ миниатюраси = Восточная миниатюра = Oriental miniatures [Text] : в собрании Института востоковедения им. Абу Райхон Беруни Акад. наук УзССР / ; [сост.: Э. М. Исмаилова, Е. А. Полякова ; науч. ред. Г. А. Пугаченкова ; пер. на узб. яз. М. Кушмакова ; пер. на англ. яз.: Е. А. Полякова ; худож. А. Багдасарян]... – Ташкент : Изд-во лит. и искусства им. Гафура Гуляма, 1980. - 17, [2] с., 102 л., ил.; - Зәки Ахметовтың қоры . . – 25 000 экз. (в пер.) : 50 тг.
Sórmelіk múqam:
У 2016/531
Taqyrypty aıdarlar
- Книжная миниатюра, Средний Восток. Средневековье
Альбом предлагает широкому кругу читателей познакомиться с одной из замечательных страниц художественного наследия стран Среднего Востока - искусством оформления и иллюстрирования рукописной книги XIV - XX вв.
Kіlt sózder
иллюстрирование рукописных книг, восточная миниатюра, орнаментальное оформление страницы, иллюстрации рукописей, рукописи Среднего Востока
Ozbek xalq qoşuqlari [Text] ; [tuzucilar.: J. J. Romanovskaja, I. Akbarov ] ; Ozssr Xks Qasidagi san at islati basqarmasi ; Respublika Ilmij-Teksiris Folkloi Kabineti .- Taskent : Ozdavfimnasr , 1939.– 5000 экз. . (в пер.) - Республикалық кітап музейі, Qzbekstan Sovet Sotsialistik Respublikasinin 15 jilliqiqa baolislanadi . alfavit tәrtibi: 151-152 с. Кн. 2 .– 148, [4] с., нот. . (в пер.) : 286 тг.
Sórmelіk múqam:
У 2016/589
Taqyrypty aıdarlar
- Ozbek xalq qoşuqlari. Узбекские народные песни
Kіlt sózder
Ozbek xalq qoşuqlari, узбекские народные песни
O'zbekiston davlat san'at muzeyi = Государственый музей искусств Узбекистана = The State Art Museum of Uzbekistan [Text] / ; O'zbekiston Respublikasi Madaniyat ishlari vazirligi ; [N. Ibragimova umumiy tahri ostida ; nashr uchun mas'ul E. Ernazarov ; ilmiy muharrir A. Hakimov ; maqola muallifi va katalog tuzuvchi S. Manasyan ; o‘zbekcha matn muharriri P. Nizamova; inglizcha matn muharriri D. Azizova ; muharrirlar: L. Kazakova, X. Maxmudova]... – Toshkent : [s. n.], 2004. - 263 s., ill.; - Matn o'zbek, rus, ingliz tillarida. - Мырзатай Жолдасбеков қоры . . – [n. y.] (qattiq muqovali) : 0 тг.
Sórmelіk múqam:
У 2024/900
Taqyrypty aıdarlar
- O‘zbekiston muzeyi kolleksiyalari
O'zbekiston Davlat san'at muzeyi Markaziy Osiyo mintaqasidagi eng yirik muzey hisoblanadi. 20-asr davomida yig'ish va ilmiy ishlar natijasida muzey fondida 50 mingga yaqin eksponatlar - Oʻzbekiston, xorijiy Sharq mamlakatlari, Rossiya va Gʻarbiy Yevropa san'ati asarlari to'plangan. Bunday boy rang-barang va keng assortimentdagi kolleksiya materiallari Markaziy Osiyo davlatlari hududidagi hech bir muzeyda uchramaydi
Kіlt sózder
O'zbekiston davlat muzeyi, san'at muzeyi, Western European art, итальянская живопись 16 века, O'zbekiston san'at muzeyi ekspozitsiyasi
1/1 Bos
1/1 Bos
1/1 Bos
1/1 Bos
1/1 Bos
1/1 Bos