This handbook sets out a methodology for monitoring events and activities that take place in the run-up to and during assemblies, i.e., events that generally take place in public spaces and that are largely accessible to all. This methodology involves the gathering of first-hand information by observers able to witness the conduct of and in- teraction among participants in assemblies, law-enforcement agents and other relevant state and non-state actors
Freedom of Peaceful Assembly, International Human Rights Principles, Regulating Freedom of Peaceful Assembly, The Policing of Assemblies, Principles and Standards in Monitoring, Compiling Monitoring Reports, международные принципы прав человека, регулирование свободы мирных собраний, полицейская Ассамблея, принципы и стандарты в мониторинге, создание проекта мониторинга, практическое руководство по мониторингу