The Kyrgyz Republic. Towards democracy and development = Кыргызская Республика. На пути к демократии и развитию [Text] / ; [projects development: M. Karybaeva [et. al.]; foto: V. Oseledko [et. al.]; "Muras" the Kyrgyzstan People Historical and Cultural Heritage Foundation... – Bishkek : [s. n.], 2015. - 93, [3] p., ill.; - Book in English and Russian languages . . – 1000 copies – 978-9967-27-631-4 (hardcover) : 40 tg.
This foto album is about the Kyrgyz Republic, what our young state had to pass in the last quarter of a century in order embark on the way of democraty, sovereignty and sustainable development
The law of the Kyrgys Republic "On Interstate Use of Waterworks and Water Resources of the Kyrgyz Republic" [Text] : Kyrgystan and the whole of Central Asia are under the threat of contamination witn radioactive wastes / T. U. Usubaliev ; [transl. by E. Pavlova]... – Bishkek : [s. n.], 2002. - 78, [2] p., [8] l. ill.; . . – 600 copies (hardcover) : 40 tg.
This book comprises the law of the Kyrgyz Republic "On interstate use of waterworks and water resources of the Kyrgyz Republic", an appeal of the ledislative assembly of the Jogorku Kenesh of the Kyrgyz Republic to parlaments and presidents of CIS states on the treat of contamination of Central Asia with radioactive waste products