Basylymdy shyǵarǵan memleket:Amerıka Qurama Shtattary
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мерзімді басылым(Журналы)
Bookbird [Text] : A Journal of International Children's Literature / International Board on Books for Young People (IBBY). – Baltimore : Johns Hopkins University Press, 1957. - – Published four times a year. – ISSN 0006-7377 (Print). - ISSN 1918-6983 (Online).
Includes articles and information about children’s literature from many countries. Regular features include peer-reviewed articles, shorter articles about children’s books and their creators, interviews with authors and illustrators, reading promotion projects worldwide, and reviews of children’s books and scholarly books from around the world. Indexed by Scopus, Library Literature, LISA, Children’s Book Review Index, Web of Science, MLA International Bibliography. Back issues from 1963 to 2013 are archived and free to access at Australian Literature Online.
1/1 Bos
Jyldar boıynsha nómіrler
- № 58

мерзімді басылым(Журналы)
Orbis [Text] : journal of world affairs / Elsevier. – Philadelphia : Foreign Policy Research Institute, 1957. - – Published four issuers in a year. – ISSN 0030-4387.
Journal of world affairs, was founded in 1957 as a forum for policymakers, scholars, and the informed public who sought an engaging, thought-provoking debate beyond the predictable, conventional journals of that time. Nearly half a century later, Orbis continues to offer informative, insightful, and lively discourse on the full range of topics relating to American foreign policy and national security, as well as in-depth analysis on important international developments. Orbis readers always know the stories behind the headlines.
1/1 Bos
Jyldar boıynsha nómіrler
- № 4

мерзімді басылым(Журналы)
Military Review [Text] : professional journal / Department of the Army ; United States Army. – Fort Leavenworth : Army University Press Offices, 1996. - – Published once in two months. – ISSN 0026-4148 (Print). - ISSN 1943-1147 (Online).
The Military Review provides an established and well-regarded Army forum to stimulate original thought and debate on topics related to the art and science of land warfare. As such, it promotes communities of interest on a wide variety of issues of vital importance to the Army by providing a venue for publishing topical articles with new insights and fresh perspectives informed by original research, critical thinking, original thought, and persuasive analysis.
1/1 Bos
Jyldar boıynsha nómіrler
- № 1 / 01 - 02

мерзімді басылым(Журналы)
Joint Force Quarterly [Text] : magazine / National Defense University. – Washington : National Defense University Press, 1993. - – Published four issues in a year. – ISNN 1070-0692 (Print). - ISSN 1559-6702 (Online).
FQ is the Chairman's joint military and security studies journal designed to inform and educate national security professionals on joint and integrated operations; whole of government contributions to national security policy and strategy; homeland security; and developments in training and joint military education to better equip America's military and security apparatus to meet tomorrow's challenges while protecting freedom today.
2/2 Bos
Jyldar boıynsha nómіrler
- № 2
- № 1

мерзімді басылым(Журналы)
PRISM [Text] : journal / National Defense University. – Washington : National Defense University Press, 2011. - – Published four issues in a year.
1/1 Bos
Jyldar boıynsha nómіrler
- № 1

мерзімді басылым(Журналы)
Unipath [Text] : professional military magazine / United States. Central Command. – Tampa : MacDill Air Force Base, 2009. - – Published four issuers in a year. – ISSN 2333-1844 (Print). - ISSN 2333-1852 (Online).
1/1 Bos
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- № 1

мерзімді басылым(Журналы)
Foundation News [Text] : magazine. – Fort Leavenworth : Command and General Staff College, 2006. - – Published twice a year.
1/1 Bos
Jyldar boıynsha nómіrler
- № 15

мерзімді басылым(Журналы)
Cross-Cultural Studies: Education and Science (CCS&ES) = Кросс–культурные исследования: образование и наука [Text] : scholarly journal. – Middlebury : Russian Department of Middlebury College, 2016. - – Published three times a year. – ISSN 2470-1262.
The main goal of the journal is to provide an intellectual platform for scholars from different countries. The journal supports interdisciplinary studies in the humanities and social sciences. WorldCat (OCLC) - Logos of some of our partners in the WorldCat knowledge base: ProQuest, EBSCO, Elsevier, Springer, Taylor and Francis, McGraw Hill Education, Wiley, Ingram, Cambridge University Press, Gale Cengage Learning, ebrary, Oxford University Press. Публикует статьи по гуманитарным и социально-экономическим наукам, обладающие научной новизной, представляющие собой результаты завершенных исследований, проблемного научно-практического характера, а также результаты диссертаций на соискание ученых степеней доктора и кандидата наук.
4/4 Bos
Jyldar boıynsha nómіrler
- № 2 / 06
- № 3 / 11
- № 2 / 05
- № 1 / 03

мерзімді басылым(Журналы)
Aviation Week & Space Technology [Text] : magazine / Informa. – New York ; Washington : Aviation Week Network, 1916. - – Published twice a month. – ISSN 0005-2175.
Peporting on the aerospace, defense and aviation industries, with a core focus on aerospace technology. The magazine was first published in August 1916. Former titles the magazine has held include Aviation & Aircraft Journal (1920–1921), Aviation (1922–1947), Aviation Week (1947–1958), Aviation Week Including Space Technology (1958–1959).
Burуnğу ataýу
- Aviation & Aircraft Journal
- Aviation
- Aviation Week
- Aviation Week Including Space Technology
23/23 Bos
Jyldar boıynsha nómіrler
- № 25 / 20.12
- № 24 / 6.12 - 19.12
- № 23 / 22.11 - 5.12
- № 22 / 8.11 - 21.11
- № 21 / 25.10 - 7.11
- № 20 / 11.10 - 24.10
- № 19 / 27.09 - 10.10
- № 18 / 13.09 - 26.09
- № 17 / 30.08 - 12.09
- № 16 / 9.08 - 29.08
- № 15 / 26.07 - 8.08
- № 14 / 12.07 - 25.07
- № 13 / 28.06 - 11.07
- № 12 / 14.06 - 27.06
- № 11 / 31.05 - 13.06
- № 10 / 17.05 - 30.05
- № 9 / 3.05 - 16.05
- № 8 / 19.04 - 2.05
- № 7 / 5.04 - 18.04
- № 6 / 22.03 - 4.04
- № 4 / 22.02 - 7.03
- № 3 / 8.02 - 21.02
- № 2 / 25.01 - 7.02

мерзімді басылым(Журналы)
Foreign Affairs [Text] : journal. – New York : Council on Foreign Relations, 1922. - – Published six times a year. – ISSN 0015-7120.
Since its founding in 1922, Foreign Affairs has been the leading forum for serious discussion of American foreign policy and global affairs. It is now a multiplatform media organization with a print magazine, a website, a mobile site, various apps and social media feeds, an event business, and more.
3/3 Bos
Jyldar boıynsha nómіrler
- № 3 / 05 - 06
- № 2 / 03 - 04
- № 1 / 01 - 02
мерзімді басылым(Журналы)
1/1 Bos
ORBIS (1957)
мерзімді басылым(Журналы)
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мерзімді басылым(Журналы)
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мерзімді басылым(Журналы)
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PRISM (2011)
мерзімді басылым(Журналы)
1/1 Bos
UNIPATH (2009)
мерзімді басылым(Журналы)
1/1 Bos
мерзімді басылым(Журналы)
1/1 Bos
мерзімді басылым(Журналы)
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мерзімді басылым(Журналы)
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мерзімді басылым(Журналы)
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