Kulataev, B. T. Reproducing qualities of different age fine - wool ewes in the conditions of the «R-Kurty» breeding farm in Almaty region [Text] / B. T. Kulataev, A. N. Kozhakhmetova // Ғылым және білім = Наука и образование = Science and education. - 2020. - № 1-1 (58). - P. 15-18. - Bibliography: p. 18 ISSN 2305-9397.
This article shows scientific research carried out on sheep of the Kazakh fine-fleece breed bred in the Almaty region, first of all in the pedigree farm named after R-Kurta.
Abilzhanuly, T. Results of tests on the stalk and grain crusher of a small fodder shop [Text] / T. Abilzhanuly, D. T. Abilzhanov , T. A. Smagulov [et al.] // Қазақстан Республикасы Ұлттық ғылым академиясының хабарлары. Аграрлық ғылымдар сериясы. - 2020. - № 1 (55). - P. 25-30. - Bibliogr.: p. 30 ISSN 2224-526X.
Stalk and grain crushers of mobile fodder shops were made and tested. It was proved that the size of the crushed stalk and grain meets zootechnical requirements