Meeting with the Russian delegation of the staff of the Presidential Library named after B.N.Yeltsin

22 November 2022

In Astana, at the National Academic Library of the Republic of Kazakhstan, a meeting was held with the Russian delegation – the staff of the Presidential Library named after B. N. Yeltsin. The delegation included Grinevich Sergey Leonidovich – Head of the Information and Communication Technologies Department of the Presidential Affairs Department of the Russian Federation, Budylina Alexandra Vladimirovna – leading adviser to the Head of the Information and Communication Technologies Department, Nosov Yuri Stanislavovich – General Director of the Presidential Library of Boris Yeltsin, library staff.

The event was held within the framework of cultural cooperation between the National Academic Library of the Republic of Kazakhstan and the Presidential Library named after B.N.Yeltsin.

The Presidential Library named after Boris Yeltsin is one of the largest electronic libraries, the fund of which consists of rare historical documents, books, as well as little–known archival materials that were closed to a wide range of readers. Among them: the originals of the Constitutions of the USSR and Russia, video chronicles of the coronation of Nicholas II and the inaugurations of the Presidents of the Russian Federation, publications of Peter's time and the period of manual printing of 1551-1830, letters patent of Catherine the Second and Paul the First.

The Presidential Library was opened on May 27, 2009 and functions as a nationwide electronic repository of digital copies of the most important documents on the history, theory and practice of Russian statehood, the Russian language, as well as a multimedia multifunctional (cultural, educational, scientific, educational and information-analytical) center with the status of the National library of Russia.

Located in the center of St. Petersburg in the historic building of the Synod, the Presidential Library has structural divisions in Moscow (Reserve Center) and Tyumen (Branch in the Tyumen region) and has a developed infrastructure, including an electronic reading and exhibition halls, a conference hall, meeting rooms, a multifunctional transformable multimedia complex operating in high-definition television format (HDTV) television complex, digitization and digital data storage centers, own publishing and printing complex. On this technological basis, the library, bibliographic, information and analytical, research, scientific and informational, methodological, cultural, educational and educational activities of the institution are carried out.

Important tasks of the institution are the information support of public authorities, as well as technological and organizational support of international, federal and regional socio-political, scientific and practical events.

During the meeting, a memorandum on further cooperation and exchange of experience between the two libraries was signed.

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